Vula and Hilton College Teacher Intern Project
The Intern Project, a joint Hilton College and Vula Programme project, allows for a group of aspiring teachers-in-training to spend a year “in-service”, while studying towards the completion of their education studies.

During the year, interns are required to teach for a defined number of weeks at local Vula schools, with the remainder of their time being in the classrooms at Hilton College, being exposed to best teaching practices.
The interns also participate in a wide range of extra-mural activities, both sporting and cultural, during the year.
Interns are either graduates who are studying towards a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), or are in the final year of their four-year B Ed studies. Studies undertaken during the internship year are by correspondence.
The number of interns selected varies from year to year, the final selection being dependent on available capacity and project funding.
Applications to join the project are invited in the middle of each year, for the following year – see the ISASA website - – for the call for applicants.

Vula Maths Project
The Vula Mathematics Project supports and develops Mathematics teachers and teaching in KwaZulu-Natal. There are twelve educational districts in the province, and teachers from seven of these districts have attended training workshops organised by the project in the past ten years.

Vula Science Project
With the availability of additional on-campus accommodation (in the Vula Lodges), provision will also be made for small groups of Science teachers to spend periods of time at Hilton College, being exposed to a well-structured scientific teaching environment.