Annual Report 2016

The Constitution of South Africa provides for a participatory democracy on one level

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Hilton Vula Annual Report

VULA Annual Report 2016

The Constitution of South Africa provides for a participatory democracy on one level - and for social justice on another level, and with this comes an inherent civic responsibility; there is a need for societal change, for a shift in thinking and patterns of behaviour and to develop an enabling environment to facilitate this.

There is an expectation for private sector citizens to work alongside government and so drive social change, grow the economy and create a capable state. We are part of this. And we are being called on

to foster that concept of social justice and embrace our social responsibility.

The practice of social responsibility is an interesting mix of gifting and investment ... The horizontal gifting axis provides for social development and gain to be fostered with respect and dignity, with real engagement which is strategic, responsible and ethical; finding systemic interventions and initiatives to promote social justice, facilitating transformation of society for sustainability - there is a balance in terms of “wanting to” as opposed to “having to” invest, which is the vertical axis.

The principal intention of social development is to invest in people and prioritise human needs in the growth and progression of society, to improve the well-being of every individual and remove barriers

so that all citizens can reach their full potential and move forward on their path to self-sufficiency, and in conjunction with a dynamic process of economic advancement, to have the opportunities to grow,

develop skills, earn a livelihood and contribute in a meaningful way.

Education plays a vital role in human growth and ergo in human well-being. By making sure that children get a good start with their education, we are investing in our people and developing our most valuable

resources, which will in turn make society a better place for everyone.

“Education is a human right with immense power to transform. On its foundation rest the cornerstones of freedom, democracy and sustainable human development.” Kofie Annan

Hilton Vula Annual Report
Hilton Vula Annual Report

It is a privilege for me to be associated with the extraordinary work undertaken by the Vula Programme at Hilton College and I pay tribute to the dedication of our team, the enthusiasm, determination and passion that sustain this programme, and the selfl ess practice of giving, and

of investing time, talent and value. It is inspirational.

Here we see the true art of gifting - an embodiment of the concept of social responsibility. The motivation is a deep care and concern for

improving the lives of those in the communities around us, through upliftment, through upskilling, through teaching, through promoting education:

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcolm X

“Ubuntu” *may be defined as “I am who I am because of who we all are”. This is what being human is all about and this interconnectedness is vital to our personal well-being and we need to enhance the experiences of compassion, openness, meaning, cooperation, collaboration, supportiveness, engagement, connectedness - for me this is what the Vula team epitomises.

Talent may be considered universal, however opportunity is not, and it is through the work done at Vula that thousands of people are reached

and thousands of lives touched, and opportunities provided. The impact is significant and the ripple effect is far reaching throughout the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands.

“In some parts of the world, students are going to school every day. It’s their normal life. But in other parts of the world, we are starving for education ... it’s like a precious gift. It’s like a diamond.” Malala Yousafzai

We are extremely grateful to all the people who

engage with us at Vula and enable us to do this

remarkable work - our supporters, champions, patrons,

funders, donors and activists, the Headmaster, college

staff and management, the Chairman and Board

members of The Hiltonian Society NPC, the parents,

the Hilton boys, and the extended Hilton family.

This is our responsibility, and our choice:

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are

planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning

for a lifetime, educate people.” Chinese proverb

Dale ten Hope

Chair: Community Projects sub-committee

The Hiltonian

Hilton Vula Annual Report

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